Reach Out World Mission.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Legon Under Threat, One Raped another Stabbed - See Photos

On Thursday June 19th, two students were attacked by armed robbers between Bani Hostel at the University of Ghana and Atomic Junction. Isaac Danquah, a Third year (level 300) student of the university was stabbed when he was escorting his girlfriend to Atomic Junction after a visit. Hmmm Boys Indeed Abr3.....
Few hours after this incident, a Mount Crest University girl who was on her way to Atomic Junction after visiting a friend at Legon was also raped. This Lady has however decided to remain anonymous 
Reports from our sources says, Isaac Danquah, the gentleman who was stabbed said;
“I was escorting my girlfriend from Bani to Atomic junction around 7:30pm and these two guys on a motor bike stopped in front of us. One pulled a knife and asked for my girlfriend’s bag I was holding. Earlier, I didn’t want to release it so he tried stabbing me with the knife. I held it and struggled with him so the knife cut my hand. So then they jug took away 60 Ghana cedis. See photos of Isaac Danquah being hurt at the hospital after the cut...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank God he wasn't hurt any way