Reach Out World Mission.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Police Foil Jail Break!

The four suspects- Haruna Acheampong, Bukari Bari, Jibriela Barisa, Innusah Kunja, were in police custody on charges of stealing, robbery and possession of narcotics without lawful authority.

They were being held at the Tamale Central Prisons but had to be transferred to Bunpkurugu a day earlier in order to facilitate their appearance before a Nalerigu District Magistrate Court in the East Mamprusi District.

While in detention, they continuously and  persistently demanded drinking water from officers at the counter.

Unknown to the cops, they poured the water on a weak section of wall of the cell to facilitate their escape.

Few hours later they demanded water but the police suspected something fishy and decided to check the cell.

One of them however suggested they wait for a while since the suspects were likely to immediately stop what they were doing.

No sooner had the police hatched a plan to clamp down on the suspects than they heard a loud noise.

When they opened the cell, they discovered that the suspects were busily working to facilitate their escape from lawful custody.

The police arraigned them before the Nalerigu District Magistrate Court presided over by Robert Agbleze on charges of conspiracy, causing unlawful damage and attempting to escape from lawful custody.

All four pleaded not guilty to the charges and were remanded into prison custody in Tamale to reappear July 3, 2014.

The adjournment was to help the court to secure the services of a Fulani translator to help two suspects who claimed they could not speak any other language.

The prosecutor however insisted they were only lying to the court but the trial judge indicated that the court would provide a translator on the next date.

The substantive case for which the suspects were arrested would be heard later, according to police investigators.

culled from:

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