Reach Out World Mission.

Monday, June 23, 2014

A 22 year old Nigerian student sentenced to death :(

A 22 year old Nigerian from Delta state Polytechnic student, Eguono Akpehughu, was sentenced to death by hanging by a high court for armed robbery.

The accused was found guilty of robbing his victim of cash and a wrist watch totaling N 30,000. The accused is also identified as Moses Akatugba.
Moses and his robbery acomplice, who passed away as a result of gunshot injuries was said to have committed the crime at number 30 NNPC Housin complex road, Ekpan in Udu Local Government Area of the state, according to the prosecution.

The prosecution had also told the court that the convict and his late accomplice, at gun point robbed one Mrs. Akpor Mazino of N 113,930.00, three GSM handsets, 54 various denominations of MTN  vouchers, 28 Econnect vouchers and 250 GLO vouchers valued over N100,000.

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