Reach Out World Mission.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

17-Year-Old Ghanaian Boy Stabs Mother To Death.

The mother of four who hails originally from Ghana was killed in the night from Saturday to Sunday around 3:00am in the town near Dusseldorf with a knife.
The police arrested the son. He is to be brought before a judge on Sunday.
It is still unclear why the boy allegedly the perpetrated this barbaric act. However, neighbours reported that mother and son had a difficult relationship. There seems to have been an altercation between the two in the tragic night.Not the first time: According to police reports, there was already a similar escalation on 9 March, during which the mother suffered minor injuries. The police then banned the boy from entering the parental home for 10 days.
The staircase was covered in blood as the police entered the apartment house in the night. Also, the doorbells of neighbours were covered with blood: the woman is said to have tried to save herself.
Tragic: The younger sibling of the alleged offender, two girls (5 and 14) and a boy (9), were in the apartment at the time of the incident. The fire department brought them with a cart out of the house, so they did not have to see the dead mother in the stairwell.
The suspect, who had fled on foot, was arrested by the police around 7.40 am in the morning.

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